Conveyancing moves into the digital age

The traditional route of the high street solicitor for conveyancing services is still a popular choice for many. But conveyancing firms are increasingly moving forward into the digital age and offering their services online, with some innovative new approaches.


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Digital age

In today’s fast-paced world, companies and services are progressively moving into the digital age by offering an online service alternative for their clients. Conveyancing is one of those services that makes sense to move online. By providing such a service, conveyancing solicitors can keep in step with other parties, particularly as they regularly communicate with other service professionals such as banks, estate agents and surveyors.


As our lives seem to get increasingly busier we all value some convenience. That weekly shop just ordered and delivered online by a supermarket or that bank transfer to a friend in a financial fix. Conveyancing firms have followed this trend by offering their services online as well.

They have recognised that it can sometimes be inconvenient for people to schedule appointments and take time out of a working week so do you need conveyancing solicitors? And based on the high street, to meet those conveyancing needs?

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And when you also consider that a conveyancer doesn’t actually need to visit a property to manage the legal work. It makes perfect sense, as the technology is there, to offer those services online. Many online services also make use of industry-specific apps to assist their clients.

App Development

Conveyancing firms have taken advantage of the developments in digital age technology by using apps that facilitate client contact throughout the entire process. This innovative method of managing data, allows clients to conveniently access the progress of their conveyancing 24/7. So no more worries about that missed phone call, when an app can alert clients of an important update, or clients can upload witnesssed e-signatures, through their online account.

Financial benefits

Finally, many online conveyancing firms don’t have the costly overheads of a physical office and tend to specialise only in conveyancing. The benefit of this is that they can pass potential savings onto their clients, particularly as many offer a no-sale no-fee option and other incentives.

So as conveyancing moves into the digital age, many people are increasingly turning to online conveyancing firms, as they are convenient and financially competitive, which is borne out by their growing popularity.
